Reasons to Explore a Career in Virtual Production

Reasons to Explore a Career in Virtual Production

Discover Orbital Studios, pioneers in virtual production, leveraging Dell Technologies with NVIDIA and Intel to redefine industry possibilities. For aspiring professionals, they epitomise the inspiration needed in this field.

We have been closely following the innovative work of Orbital Studios in the virtual production space. Utilising advanced technology from Dell Technologies, powered by NVIDIA and Intel, they are transforming what’s achievable in this industry. If you're passionate about a career in this field, this is the inspiration you need today.

Virtual production revolutionises content creation by seamlessly integrating real-time, in-camera capture of actors and sets with computer-generated (CG) environments. This innovative approach transcends the limitations of traditional filmmaking, enabling the creation of dynamic scenes with unparalleled flexibility and control.

Los Angeles-based Orbital Studios has emerged as a key player in the advancement of virtual production technology since its inception in 2020. The company is founded by filmmakers, and provides virtual production services to a diverse clientele encompassing film, television, and commercial productions. Additionally, Orbital Studios produces original content while fostering collaboration with technology manufacturers and software developers. This collaborative approach has allowed Orbital Studios to refine virtual production technology and enhance its applicability to the specific requirements of filmmakers.

Virtual production is driven by a confluence of technologies, such as:

  • 3D Rendering Engines: These powerful software programs can generate photo-realistic and dynamic environments in real-time, allowing for immediate visualisation and on-set adjustments.
  • High-Resolution LED Walls: These large-scale LED displays serve as digital backdrops, projecting the virtual environments, and enabling direct in-camera capture of fully integrated scenes.
  • Camera Tracking Technology: This sophisticated system tracks the movement of the cameras on set, ensuring precise synchronisation between the live-action footage and the CG elements.

Virtual production technology offers several advantages that make it an attractive field for aspiring visual effects (VFX) artists. Wilder Herms, a Virtual Production Operator and Virtual Art Department (VAD) artist at Orbital Studios, describes the power of the technology:

Virtual production feels like having a magic paintbrush. I can create anything I imagine and see it instantly. It opens up a whole new world of creative possibilities.
Image Courtesy of Orbital Studios

Here are several key factors contributing to the appeal of virtual production for emerging VFX artists.

  • Demanded Expertise: Virtual production demands a unique fusion of artistic vision and technical mastery. VFX artists can thrive in this environment by leveraging their existing creative talents. They can further hone their skills in software manipulation and technical problem-solving, becoming highly sought-after and valuable members of the production team.
  • Elevated Creative Input: Virtual production transforms VFX artists from post-production specialists into pre-production partners. Working alongside directors and DPs, they can utilise their expertise in real-time rendering to build and refine virtual environments. This collaborative approach allows for experimentation with lighting, camera angles, and overall visual style before a single frame is shot.
  • Unleashing Artistic Potential: No longer restricted by physical sets or complex green screen work, VFX artists can now bring fantastical worlds and impossible scenarios to life with unparalleled detail and realism. Virtual production allows VFX artists to truly stretch their artistic muscles and bring their visions to the screen in ways never before possible.

The transformative capabilities of virtual production have garnered significant industry attention, positioning it for continued growth and potential dominance in filmmaking.

A.J. Wedding, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at Orbital Studios, believes the key to wider adoption of virtual production lies in producers, directors, and cinematographers truly grasping its potential:

The more filmmakers understand what's possible, the more excited they'll be. Think about it - instead of turning the camera around to capture a different part of the world, you can literally just move the world around your camera.

Here's a closer look at some of the factors contributing to virtual production’s continued rise:

  • Increased Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Virtual production streamlines production workflows by eliminating the need for extensive location scouting and elaborate physical set construction. This translates to reduced production times and budgets.
  • Enhanced Visual Fidelity: The real-time integration of CG environments fosters a more immersive and realistic on-set experience for actors, leading to improved performance capture and ultimately, heightened visual quality on screen.
  • Greater Creative Freedom: Virtual production  liberates filmmakers from the constraints of physical locations, allowing them to create fantastical and hyper-realistic worlds with unprecedented ease. This expands the boundaries of storytelling and visual expression.
  • Enhanced Safety and Sustainability: Virtual production offers a safer environment for filming. By eliminating the need for complex stunts or hazardous locations, it minimises the risk of injuries to actors and crew.
  • Reduced Environmental Footprint: Virtual production fosters a more sustainable filmmaking approach. By minimizing the need for physical set construction and extensive location travel, it reduces the carbon footprint associated with traditional film productions. This environmentally conscious approach aligns with the growing demand for sustainable practices in the entertainment industry.

Virtual production stands as a game-changer in content creation. Companies like Orbital Studios are leading the charge, seamlessly blending real-world filmmaking with the limitless potential of CG. For aspiring VFX artists, virtual production offers an exciting career path at the forefront of this revolution. The collaborative environment demands both artistic vision and technical expertise, fostering a new era of visual storytelling. The future belongs to those who embrace virtual production's potential!