Rookie Awards 2024 - Our Most Successful Contest Yet!

Rookie Awards 2024 - Our Most Successful Contest Yet!

Wow, we’re blown away by the incredible response to Rookie Awards 2024! A huge thank you and congrats to everyone who participated. Your creativity and hard work have made this our best contest ever.

Wow, we’re blown away by the incredible response to Rookie Awards 2024! A huge thank you and congrats to everyone who participated. Your creativity and hard work have made this our best contest ever.

Amazing Participation

We got a mind-blowing 6,815 entries this year, up 24% from last year, from 103 countries and 568 different schools. You’ve shown the world just how talented and passionate our community is. The entries in 3D Animation, Games, Concept Art, and VFX were the most popular, but we saw amazing participation in our more recent categories for Digital Fashion, Product and Industrial Design, Graphic Design and Web and App Design which was super impressive.

Social Media Love and Giveaway Alert

Lots of you have already received a cool social media image to show off your entry. We’re sending these out randomly, one per person. If you haven’t received yours yet, don’t worry! We need about 48 more hours to get them all out.

Don’t forget to share your entry on Instagram! By doing so, you’ll be in the running for our Ultimate Digital Creators Starter Kit Giveaway. One lucky person will win, so make sure to post and join in the fun.

Shoutout to Our Judges

Our amazing judging team has already done 33,297 reviews 🤯 and they’ve got lots more to do. Let’s send them some positive vibes as they keep working hard over the next month.

Shoutout to Our Sponsors

Simply put, none of this happens without the support of these companies. Please visit their websites and see all the cool things they are doing these days.

What’s Next?

We’re diving into the final phase of judging now. We’ll announce the finalists on 9 July 2024. Stay tuned, and keep supporting each other in our awesome community.

Thanks again for making the Rookie Awards 2024 such a huge success. Your talent and enthusiasm are what make this contest so special.